
Sunday, 27 January 2013

Dukan Day 3 2013 (PV)

On the morning of 20th January, I weighed 15 st 9.8 lbs = 219.8 lbs
On the morning of 21st January, I weighed 15 st 12.4 lbs = 222.4 lbs

On 20th January, I ate:

Breakfast- Miracle juice- non Dukan but I am not willing to do without this.

Brunch- bowl (chinese soup bowl size) of spinach  with smoked haddock-
(very low in carbs; rich in fibre and other nutrients particularly iron so is good for anemia. See
Recipe:  (gives more than 8 servings)
In a pot, sweat down half a large onion (chopped) in a tablespoon of Olive Oil- so low fat, not fat free.
Dissolve a stock cube (or 2, depending on taste) in hot water and add to the mix.
When boiling, put in spinach - (I put in a whole pack of Sainsbury's whole leaf frozen chopped spinach)
Top with 3 frozen smoked haddock fillets (I used farm foods),
Bring to the boil and season to taste with pepper etc.
Leave simmering until cooked.

Lunch- Dukan pizza with mince topping

Snack: 225g yoghurt

Supper-Beef stir fry with a spattering of noodles cooked by my mum and a handful of grapes...Oh NO!!!!

Snack: Dukan chocolates- which killed my craving for more of those supersweet grapes

Water intake:  500ml of diet ginger ale and sparkling water in a 50: 50 mix and 1 tea bag in 500ml water (tea). Water 500ml

Exercise- : 20 min on my Gazelle freestyler

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