
Thursday 2 December 2010

Hectic but plodding on!!

I'm snowed in, as is half of London.
Woke up with carb cravings and opted for that due to the cold! Drank 500ml of Green tea with a dash of lemon after. I figure I'd best make Dukan muffins, Dukan bread and Dukan cheese cake so any further cravings can be addresssed without transgressions. (Excuses, excuses!) ...But I forgive myself and will do 60mins on my 'twist 'n' shape tonight! - that's a promise- then I will attack for 3 days.
Didn't get round to weighing yestersay nor today and in view of the day's transgressions, I will weigh on Sunday.
I must remember my daily vitamins and iron. Onward ever!

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