
Monday, 18 April 2011

No jinx

I really don't want to jinx it but I really think I have got my dukan Mojo back!

Well, I have exercised for two days and I hope today it will be my third. With that, my willpower and the desire to do what is right for me has grown. Temptations have been Atkins but at most that has been once a day. The scales are moving in the right direction and that is a great encouragement. My dukan chocolates have been a regular support, but I have not need them as much as I would have expected. My friend adapted the chocolate cake recipe and rather than 120 g of cocoa powder, she used 60 then she used 120 g of skimmed milk powder rather than my recommended 60 g. The result is a much better, moist chocolate cake and as she describes it, it is less bitter.
For me, it's less cocoa but then I have been supplementing with the chocolates. I worry that being able to make dukan alternative means that I haven't weaned myself off the fattening foods and I fear for when I am no longer making dukan food as often. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, I need to lose three stone in weight to get to my goal. Today is the beginning of the rest of my life and to mark that, I am going to start a new tickertape.

I may not blogged as often as I'd like, but some times in the year are more busy than others. The time will come!


  1. I think I definitely have to make some of your chocolate goodies! Maybe that would help keep me in check!! But I agree, it's scary to feel to 'dependant' on them. I'd love to just never crave sugar at all - but I think that may be impossible for me!
    Great job!! You're doing wonderfully!

  2. Thanks for that!I really appreciate your supportive comments.
    i think the food is one aspect and I have to continually work onhaving the right mindset around certain foods.
