Well, following a decadent PV day yesterday, I have new hopes having finally bought a 5 kg kettle Bell.
A 20 min workout promises to burn from 250 to 450 cal. Some even say that in six weeks of three day per week usage there will be a visible body shape difference. Well people, here goes!!!
I think it will be my extra exercise on my PV days. On other days I will try to do my 30 min walking (cross trainer) routine.
I know exercise is key, I just need to commit!
Wish me luck.
{Kettle Bell day 1}
Hello! I just discovered your blog, and I appreciate your honesty in the few posts I've read thus far. I just began my journey with Dukan a week ago (http://thisdukandietthing.blogspot.com/), and although I know it will be tough, I also know that it can actually become a life-long, easily followed plan once the weight is off....it's just getting there, isn't it!?! I hope the Kettle Bells have been treating you well. I am also very interested in your chocolates recipe when you post that! I've added you to my blog list so I can follow your journey...I'm looking forward to seeing your progress!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment Anne. I really had a very good run from 26 July 2010 until November when I hit 14 stone. I realy have had a problem getting below all 14 stone every time I have tried to lose weight. I have been stagnant, in spite of wanting to lose weight but I have not been consistent.
ReplyDeleteI have restarted (as of yesterday, Thursday 12th of May) and so far so good. For me I think it is one step at a time (one day at a time).
Now for the chocolates:
I got the original recipe from http://www.mydukandiet.com/recipes/chocolate-pralines.html
but I have since adapted it and this is my recipe:
7 teaspoons of skimmed milk powder
1 teaspoon of low-fat, coocoa powder
2 teaspoons of Splenda
four drops of good-quality vanilla essence
just enough skimmed milk to mix to a very thick paste
method: combine the powdered ingredients then use skimmed milk to mixed with thick paste.
Add vanilla essence and mix thoroughly.
Pour into moulds and leave to set ... Or use really a low-calorie hot chocolates drink powder such as Options, drop blobs of your chocolate mix onto the hot chocolates powder then pick up and roll into balls in your palm then this store in an airtight container in the fridge.
You could also make a larger quantity by using table spoons rather than teaspoons full.
Let me know what you think when you make this Anne.