(The strain of flu this year certainly lingers! It can't help that I work in a heavily populated environment daily!)
Monday morning weight was 199.8 lbs
Tuesday mornng weight 198.2 lbs
Wednesday morning weight 197.2 lbs
Wednesday: got some exercise but I am dreading Thursday. I had splenda with custard and hand in hand with daily stress and unadressed thirst, came temptation and I did not resist! First DORITOs then Walnut cake (I had run out of DUKAN baked products) and as if that wasn't bad enough, I topped it with chocolate.
Help!!!! Well not really because I do know what to do!
Bake and freeze, so I never run out of Dukan baked products.
Address thirst especially if/when I am stressed or ill.
Avoid sweetner.
Dr. Marylyn Glenville wrote:
Dear Abi,
Free Excerpt from my Book ‘Fat Around the Middle – How to Lose that Bulge for Good
(Fat Around the Middle)
Why sweeteners are as bad as sugar
Any 'low sugar', 'diet' or ‘low calorie’ food or drink will usually contain a chemical sweetener, such as aspartame. It is a very common misconception that artificial sweeteners will help you lose and control your weight. But studies have shown that people who regularly use artificial sweeteners tend to gain weight through increased appetite.
Aspartame is 180 times sweeter than sugar and it can lead to binge eating and cravings, but it has also been linked to mood swings and depression because it alters the levels of the brain chemical serotonin.
I always advise people to avoid any foods or drinks that contain artificial sweeteners. But read the very small print on the labels as sweeteners can crop up in savoury as well as sweet foods, whether they’re branded ‘diet’ or otherwise.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD
Well, as you may have noticed, I love my gingerale (1:1 diluted with sparkling water) and this is a case of getting to know myself.
I can cope with that but stress/ illness and splenda, as well as a lack of self control = cheating for me. It may be psychological!!!
I have had to consider : "Abi, do you want to do this the long and hard way, or the quickest but initially challenging way?"
Well, I know what my choice is!
Wish me luck!
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