
Wednesday, 20 June 2012

3lbs weight loss for first week

As a 'dukan restarter' or 'dukan refocusser', Dr Dukan does not recommend loads of PP days repeatedly. Instead, the advice is to just get back on the wagon and into the PP/PV swing.
Well I am trying! It is still hectic and stressful in my life, but I managed a few days last week and was rewarded with a 3lbs loss.  I also managed 2 days of exercise.
Imagine what I could do if I just got into the swing of things! I must try harder.
BTW, I once mentioned using oatbran to thicken a broth and make a soup! This has become a regular habit of mine.
Abi's Dukan soup:
Variations depend on what you put in - PP or PV:

Decide the basic composition of your soup.
e.g. chicken soup
1. Boil onions(sliced), garlic (optional), chicken pieces, stock cube with seasonings to taste e.g. paprika/ black pepper, thyme etc.
2.Once tender and tasty, remove from boil.
To a 750ml/ I litre volume, add your daily oatbran serving (and you may include the 1 tbsp of wheatbran you are allowed.
3.Bring back to the boil and simmer occasionally, allowing the mixture to thicken...
this should give 2 generous servings of soup, to be consumed--perhaps 2 meals?

Try it and let me know if it works for you.

For a PV version,
I boil cabbage, carrots, mushrooms and lean protein e.g. smoked haddock, chicken, beef etc.
I love it!


  1. Good luck restarting! hope you can keep it off this time! I look forward to reading your blog. :)
